| | | |
0202121 | English Grammar 1 | 3 | |
0202210 | Speaking and Listening Comperhension | 3 | |
0202213 | Reading | 3 | |
0202222 | Phonetics | 3 | 0202223,0202254 |
0202223 | Linguistics | 3 | 0202121,0202254 |
0202231 | Introduction to Literature | 3 | |
0202241 | Drama | 3 | 0202231 |
0202252 | Novel 1 | 3 | 0202231 |
0202254 | Pronunciation and Speech | 3 | |
0202317 | Research Writing | 3 | 0206215 |
0202331 | American Literature | 3 | 0202231 |
0202335 | English Literature up to 1798 | 3 | 0202231 |
0202342 | Shakespeare and Elizabethan Age | 3 | 0202241 |
0202361 | Poetry | 3 | 0202231,0202335 |
0202424 | Semantics | 3 | 0202223 |
0202425 | English Grammar 2 | 3 | 0202121,0202223 |
0202436 | English Literature from Romanticism up to Now | 3 | 0202335 |
0202480 | Literary Theory and Criticism | 3 | 0202361 |
0202495 | Discourse Analysis | 3 | 0202223 |
0206115 | Pragraph Writing | 3 | |
0206215 | Essay Writing | 3 | 0206115 |
0206281 | Translation-1(English-Arabic) | 3 | 0202121 |