Vision, Mission, and Objectives
Graduating students with a bachelor's degree in Business
Information Technology who are able to meet the needs of the Jordanian and Arab
labor market and prove their competence in the fields of work...
The department looks forward to keeping pace with the
development of educational programs related to business information technology,
and to maintaining a distinguished quality of graduates who are able to compete
in the labor market, and who aspire to develop and pursue scientific research
in the field of specialization. The department looks forward to using modern
scientific techniques in teaching and training as the available capabilities
allow. The department is also looking forward to creating a master's program in
Business Information Technology. The department believes that the realization
of these visions is through graduates who have the following specifications::
- Equipped
with the latest computer information, software and management.
- Able
to manage people in organizations and manage software and other
organization activities.
- They
are able to gather information about the situation, analyze it, correlate
it, and draw conclusions.
- They
are able to solve the quantitative and qualitative problems they face, and
develop software that helps solve problems that can be solved through
computer software.
- They
are able to initiate decision-making and problem-solving.
- Aspiring
to scientific research, innovation and creativity
The BIT department seeks to fulfill its mission and vision thru the following objectives:
Develop a study plan that can meet the expectations
Coordinate with the university library to purchase new books and subscribe to various journals and related databases
Help students to acquire the needed skills to develop management related software applications
Train students in the local organizations
Train students to do research and solve problems by scientific means
Organize visits to different private and government organizations
Build relations with local organizations to synchronize between theory and practice
Stay in touch with alumni and help them in finding jobs
Encourage outstanding students and help them in pursuing their graduate studies
Create a good environment for doing scientific research